Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First Amendment and football coaches

Like the newspaper industry doesn't have enough problems when along comes Guy Morriss and the Texas A&M-Commerce football team.

It seems Morriss believes collaborating on theft and censorship count as a team-building exercise. Someone may also want to tell the lunatic coach this it may also be considered illegal.

As if Morriss coaching career hadn't reach a low point already (remember those ill-fated runs at Kentucky and Baylor) it is now officially unraveling. Clearly, the A&M-Commerce brass can't retain a guy who supports his players lifting all of the East Texan newspapers from the on-campus racks so anyone interested couldn't read about the arrest of two football players.

Morriss is quoted as sayings, "I'm proud of my players for doing that. This was the best team building exercise we have ever done."

Good move coach. So instead of this being a non-story for the rest of the college football world your big team-building exercise backfired a bit. Now we all care (a little).

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