According to the Indianapolis Star, former Miami, Fla. quarterback Robert Marve has Purdue in the lead for his now transfer-ready services.
This seems like a shockingly good fit for Marve. A decent football program with a new coach. He's not overshooting his ability like Mitch Mustain's ill-fated USC transfer and he's getting out of the South and away from all the SEC/Miami/Florida badmouthing that was going on before. Might do Marve some good to get out of the Sunshine state.
Other quarterback transfer news, former Michigan QB Steven Threet is now at Arizona State.
This is Threet's third school. He started at Georgia Tech, went to UM and now ASU. Whoopty-doo. Hey Sun Devils, if this kid ever sees any meaningful playing time, that's not good news.
He has to land somewhere. What's taking him so long. Pick a school and get to work.
like going through recruiting twice. He really should consider Hawaii.
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