Special Report
Retired Coach Rick
ACC Correspondent
Charlie Weiss has coached Notre Dame right back to his ability. Talk about overrated coaches. This is a man that didn’t play college football. He was a gofer for years. His title may have been offensive coordinator but I bet real coaches were making the plans. They could pay him less than anyone else and get away with it. Notre Dame will beat schools like The Sister Of The Poor, all of the academies including the Salvation Army and the Ray Charles School of the Blind (probably in overtime).
Bill Stewart of WVU needs to take his nap before the game. Not during it. Why did the backup quarterback have gloves on when he knew he was going to throw a long pass? Coach bring Doc Holliday out of the press box and let him run the game. He has already coached on teams that played for and won National Championships. Don't hide him out in the press box. Put him out there. I will bet you, he won't have trouble with his phones.
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