I guess we'll find out how indestructible the Pete Carroll/USC machine is this year. Not only did Mark Sanchez dare to disagree with Peter the Great on his NFL future, coaches seem to be on their way out in droves.
First, Steve Sarkisian took the job at Washington, then he proceeded to hire away USC defensive coordinator Nick Holt - who, it seems even took a pay cut to leave LA and get out from under Pete's thumb.
Now, new offensive coordinator Carl Smith, who has yet to call a play for the Trojans, decides to interview with the Browns.
Of course, any self-destruction of the Trojans is probably wishful thinking by the rest of college football. Pete knows what wins in college football is talent. And USC still has a truckload.
But, for the rest of us, it was nice to see a little of Pete's teflon chipped away thanks to the Sanchez press conference. There are things you can get bad pub about and it won't hurt you - being a jerk to the media, raging against officials or the BCS and whining about other coaches. But you can't be a jerk about your players leaving early for the NFL or withdrawing scholarships (ahem, Steve Spurrier) - because it can bite your recruiting.
USC has been so good for so long now, do you think Petey's too arrogant to believe any of this will come back to haunt him?
Maybe he's considering a return to the NFL soon.
well, so much for that. SC hired the Broncos offensive coordinator and rumors have him making as much as $1 million.
Good point. Be nice to be a coordinator these days.
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