Really, the College Football season is over? Where did it go?
Well the Florida Gators are National Champs and it's time to go into the off season. Phil and Tom won't spend too much time talking about recruiting, but in this episode we will discuss a future that includes a playoff, make some stupid predictions for 2009, decide if Tim Tebow is about to become the most hated player in College Football history and what underclassmen have made the worst decision to come out early for the NFL Draft.
Oh yea, and we'll talk about that BCS Championship game a little. We will continue to do the podcast, but now we are going to every other week until late summer.
Good luck finding a way to hate Tim Tebow, he's a hard man to in find a fault with.
Maybe Claw. But he's been so built up by the media and Urban Meyer that any little slip up will appear huge.
If you listen to the show you'll hear that we don't hate him. We actually think he's admirable. But all of the hype sets him up for failure.
No, I hate him.
Just kidding, Claw. I don't really hate him. although I do think he's a bit of a showboat.
Claw, you have to understand something. Phil was Tim Tebow before Tim Tebow. Really. Like before he was even born.
Now he's just jealous that ESPN didn't give him tongue baths back in the '80s.
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